Sara sulej

Vodeographer / Director

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I’m Sara. I’m from Poland.

I have a master's degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw and completed a Media Production course at GRETB in Spiddal, Co. Galway.

I have experience working on festivals, concerts, and street performances.

I collaborate with Mental Health Ireland and Volunteer Galway.

I also work as a director, producer, and set designer.


Kettel Boilers - Bellyful

footage and edit - Sara Sulej

Volunteer Galway - promo video

footage and edit - Sara Sulej

“Good Craic”

Director and producer - Sara Sulej

“Patchwork Family” TRAILER

Director - Sara Sulej

Producers - Brave Boy Studio, Dominic Quinn, Sara Sulej

“Queer Day”

Director and producer - Sara Sulej

“Lies” New Ceremony

Director - Harry Bo

Production Designer - Sara Sulej

“Superhero” Viki Gabor

Director - Pascal Pawliszewski

Production Designer - Sara Sulej

Happy and sad theater masks icon. Vector and glyph

“Sen” Frankenstein Children

Director - Dorota Miko

Production Designer - Sara Sulej

“Komary” Linia Nocna

Director - Dorota Miko

Production Designer - Sara Sulej

Layers of Fear 2, Nintendo Swich TRAILER

Production Designer - Sara Sulej